

Mystery Injector

Mann's Patent Steam Cart & Wagon Co., Ltd. Injector Instructions

Penberthy injector - from Willcox's catalogue

Penberthy injector diagram

Rex Injector

Wallis & Steevens Injector Booklet

White's Catalogue - Steam Wagon Injector 

Mystery Injector - Can you identify it? - Now believed to be a Gresham & Craven.


I bought the above injector thinking it was a Penberthy but further study revealed that the cones and arrangement of the overflow are different. There is no name on the body and any markings have been polished off. The internal arrangement of cones and spring loaded valve and plug are the same as those which can be seen in the diagrams for injectors fitted to Mann's and Wallis & Steevens below. It has since been identified as a Gresham & Craven injector. 

Mann's Patent Steam Cart & Wagon Co., Ltd. Instructions for Working Injector

mann instructions


Penberthy injector - from Willcox's catalogue

Extract from Willcox's catalogue with details of "Penberthy" injectors. This gives details of the standard range of injectors. I have another leaflet that mentions 428 and 430 injectors which are for steam wagons working at pressures of up to 250psi.  A section through a "Penberthy" to show the difference in arrangement of cones from the Gresham & Craven injector is included below.

penberthy 328AA



Rex Injector

This is an extract from some trade literature in some Garrett documentation. There is no manufacturer's name but I suspect that it was produced by Whites. The Rex is described as a "Penberthy" type injector. It was suggested that the mystery injector might be a Rex; but if the position and inclination of the plug at the side of the overflow is considered, it suggests that it is more like a Penberthy than the Mann and Wallis & Steevens injectors. 


Wallis & Steevens Injector Details

I can't remember from where I got this copy. If it was you I hope you don't mind it being reproduced here.

Wallis Steevens injectors 1Wallis Steevens injectors 2Wallis Steevens injectors 3Wallis Steevens injectors 4Wallis Steevens injectors 5


Extract from White's Injector Catalogue for Steam Wagon Injectors.



 If you have any comments or queries on the above page please contact me by email at the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..