Willys Overland Crossley "Manchester" trucks used Lycoming CT engines imported into the United Kingdom from Lycoming Manufacturing Co. in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA.

View of both sides of Lycoming engine number 51381 fitted to the left hand drive bus in Portugal type LBX4 chassis MT30274.

The following trucks were also fitted with Lycoming CT engines:

1924 - 31    Gramm Bern 10     1 - 1 ¼ ton
1926           Gramm Kine        1 - 1 ½ ton
1925 - 29    Grass Premier        1 ½ ton
1927 - 30    International Harvester S24  1 ¼ ton
1927 - 30    International Harvester 34    1 ½ ton
1927 - 30    International Harvester    2 ton
  1925 - 30    Republic        1 ¼ - 1 ½ ton
1925 - 26    Ruggles        1 ton
1927 - 28    Ruggles 18        1 ¼ ton
1925 - 26    Stewart        1 ton
1927 - 30    Stewart  16 - 25x    1 ¼ - 2 ton

CT engines were also used in Fageol tractors.

It would appear that a large number of the Lycoming CT engines was made. The engine number can be found at the rear of the engine on a horizontal surface behind the exhaust manifold flange.

The first photo shows the location of the number stamped on the bell housing. If viewed from the front of the engine it would be at about 10 o'clock. The second photo is an enlarged picture of number 43900. (Photo courtesy of Chris Broadbent.)
43900 43900 1

The earliest engine number we are aware of is 43257 on an engine found in Victoria, Australia.  The latest is 54096 on a Manchester LBX4 bus MT30274. 

Lycoming Engine Oil Pump Issues

We have experienced difficulties with the oil pump and oil pressure regulating valve on our engine. The housings for these two components are cast in MAZAK (more commonly known now as ZAMAK), which I understand is an alloy of zinc, aluminium, magnesium and copper. This material tends to expand distort and crack as it ages. As a consequence we were unable to extract the oil pump stem from the crankcase, without damage, and had to have a new stem machined from bronze. (See illustration below)

oil pump components

Distortion of the bottom cover of the pump, allowed oil to leak from the pump into the sump resulting in zero oil pressure. This was overcome by fitting a plate between the pump and the bottom cover. The lack of oil pressure persisted and my attention was directed to the oil pressure regulating valve. Distortion and cracking of the body (see below) allowed oil to bypass the pressure regulating valve.  Fortunately I had a spare pressure control valve and this was refaced and fitted to the engine.

oil regulator

I found details of a replacement for the Lycoming oil pump on Robert Gardner's website on the Gardner Motor Car Company - St. Louis, Mo, United States that produced cars between 1920 - 1931. This link is to the page on the website featuring information produced by Trevor Davis in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

oil-pump-replace.pdf (gardnermotorcars.com)

Robert's website is very interesting and informative.

Lycoming Engine Parts Wanted.

I am looking for a cylinder block for one of these engines if anyone has one, or a complete engine, available for me to buy.

I have copied a publication I found for the care and operation of the Lycoming "C" series 4 cylinder engines. This should be of interest to anyone with a truck or tractor fitted with a Lycoming CT engine and is copied below.

If you have any comments or queries on the above page please contact me by email at the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Care and operation of the Lycoming "C" series 4 cylinder engine

lycoming1 lycoming2 lycoming3 lycoming4 lycoming5 lycoming6 lycoming7 lycoming8